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Corrective Exercise and Body Alignment


What's the difference between personal training and body alignment exercise prescription?


Many people ask "What's the one thing I can do to fix ..... ?"  Well, the answer is that there is never one or two exercises or stretches to be done because there are so many contributing factors involved in any problem.  In order to get to the root cause of pain or dysfunction, often the most beneficial approach to take is a systematic process of relearning how to use your body.


Movement done in proper alignment throughout the day is more beneficial than doing an hour of intense exercise several times per week. Nowdays, people are doing large quantities of movement in a short time and their problems are exactly the same as those who are not doing enough movement.  Quality is the important variable that can dictate benefit to be had from moving. 



Corrective exercise works by teaching clients to relieve biomechanical stresses and getting to the root of chronic, recurring aches and pains. 

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